Skilled trades training for individuals from care

Are you over the age of 18 and have lived in systems of care for at least one year? Discover your passion for Ontario’s skilled trades with a free 2-day training.

Time, Date and Venue:

August 13 & 14, 2024
8am – 4pm
Millwrights Local 1916
63 Ditton Drive, Hamilton, ON

Coffee, light snacks, and lunch provided. Hard hat and work boots included.

Register now at:

Youth in Care Tuition Bursary at Seneca College

On May 14, 2021, Seneca launched a tuition bursary that will pay tuition for current or former youth in extended society care who are pursuing their first postsecondary credential. In addition to financial support, interested youth can be matched with a Seneca staff member who will support them throughout their program and assist them in accessing resources such as mentoring, tutoring and academic advising.


There is no age cap for this bursary. The applicant must be a current or former youth in extended society care (Crown ward) or Customary Care (including Voluntary Youth Service Agreements), not adopted, who has been in the care of an Ontario Children’s Aid Society for a minimum of 12 months (consecutive or cumulative) as defined by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) of Ontario. The applicant must also demonstrate financial need and must be applying for their first postsecondary credential.

Bursary Value

This bursary is valued at the total amount of tuition fees for any Seneca diploma, degree or certificate program. The bursary will be renewed each academic year until graduation, provided the recipient has fulfilled all program requirements (i.e. maintained a full-time course load, met the minimum grade requirements, etc.) and continues to demonstrate financial need.

What is a youth in extended society care?

A youth in extended society care (also referred to as a foster child or a Crown ward) is a youth who is placed in the care and custody of the Children’s Aid Society when it has been determined that they can no longer live with their birth parents, and that a better and less restrictive option (such as placing the child with relatives) is not available. The province accepts all rights and responsibilities for the youth until they turn 18, get married or are adopted.

When is the deadline for current or prospective students to apply for this bursary?

  • Sept. 20, 2024 for the Fall 2024 Term
  • Jan. 17, 2025 for the Winter 2025 Term

The criteria to apply are as follows:

  • must be a current or former youth in extended society care (Crown ward) or Customary Care (including Voluntary Youth Service Agreements), not adopted, who has been in care for a minimum of 12 months in the Ontario care system
  • must apply to Seneca through the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) and receive an offer of admission before applying for the bursary (prospective students may contact Recruitment by email at to discuss program options)
  • must be pursuing first postsecondary credential
  • must be applying for full-time studies (at least 66 per cent course load) in a day program
  • must submit an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) application every academic year
  • must demonstrate financial need
  • must apply for the bursary prior to the start of studies (current students are welcome to apply for the upcoming semester)

Current Seneca students application can email to indicate your intent to apply for the bursary, and Judy Pattison, Student Recruitment Liaison Officer, will help you through the process.

Prospective students who are interested in the bursary must first apply to Seneca through OCAS and be accepted to a program before applying for the bursary (students may contact Recruitment by email at to discuss program options).

For more information, please check out: Youth in Care Tuition Bursary | Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries | Seneca Students (

Consultation on the Youth Mental Health Fund – Opportunity for youth 16 and above

The Government of Canada is working to implement a new fund to make it easier for youth in Canada to get the mental health care they need. The Youth Mental Health Fund aims to break down barriers to access mental health care for youth.

They are consulting with people 16 years of age and older to gather perspectives on priority areas to improve youth mental health. Your feedback will help guide the focus of the new Youth Mental Health Fund, including decisions on the types of activities that could be funded.

Health Canada is seeking your input on the types of activities that could be funded through the Youth Mental Health Fund, such as helping youth and their families navigate and seek mental health care, increasing youth suicide prevention supports and services and more.

Share your ideas online by filling in filling in the following questionnaire: All responses are anonymous.

For more information, please check out Consultation on the Youth Mental Health Fund –

Free Application for Indigenous Applicants at Red River College in June

Any application submitted at Red River College (RRC) between June 1 and June 30 will have the application fee waived for all First Nations, Métis and Inuit applicants. All programs and all intakes are eligible for only one free application. Additional applications will be subject to the normal fees.

Before applying, you should review the program admission requirements, as well as the program start date, location and fees. If you need any help you can contact our Indigenous Admissions Advisor (Weeshengaawin) or email

You will be able to apply online through an RRC Polytech account. You can work on your application over several sessions, upload required documents, view your final application and more. You can start your online application here,

You can also apply in person at one of the Student Service Centres. You can check the locations of the centres here,

RRC Polytech offers 150 programs. You can explore the different programs here, Results : RRC Polytech: Program Explorer.

Join OCAC for the 6th Provincial Day of Learning – Youth in Care Day

#LetsCelebrate! Ontario Children’s Advancement Coalition’s SIXTH ANNUAL SIGNATURE Children and Youth in Care Day event is MAY 14, 2024! This annual Provincial Day of Learning is an event that provides us with an opportunity to listen to Experts (both First Voice and Critically Allied).

This year will continue the annual theme, “FIVE14FUTURES: Across Our Lifetime” with a focus on Equitable Standards in Ontario, and across Canada. This annual event is sponsored by the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada!

As always, this year we have an amazing line up of speaker from the Youth in/from “Care” communities, and allied experts. Two musicians/artists will open and close this anchor event on Ontario’s Youth In Care Day – let’s support Indigenous and lived expert artists!

FAYTH, who is an Indigenous artist from Wiikwemikoong First Nation, is a 2023 recipient of the Neebin’s Music Fund (Neebin’s family, FN Caring Society, and inPath created fund to honour Neebin Armstrong’s memory). Fayth is being sponsored by the First Nations Caring Society of Canada!

ROSE JONES, who is a musician with lived expertise of the child “welfare” system in Ontario, who is currently working on their first full album!! Rose Jones is being sponsored by the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies!

The event will be from 11:45AM-1:45PM, and you can listen in while you have lunch or getting work done. This is a FREE VIRTUAL event streamed LIVE from Facebook. Like and Follow to get notification of the event! Click here:

RSVP Link! RSVPs will be private to protect the accounts of people!

This year there will also be an exciting announcement in collaboration with Cindy Blackstock!

Let’s honor, commemorate, and celebrate youth in/from care, across our lifetime! Check out the lineup! Please share! 

Thank You,
Cheyanne Ratnam, BSW;MSW