Voices Scholarship Program 2024 – 2025

The Voices Scholarship Program consists of five awards: The Voices Bursary, the Marie Christian Award, the Reaching for the Stars Scholarship, the Honouring Our Youth Scholarship, and the Kiwiytin Scholarship:

The Voices Bursary is made possible through the fundraising efforts of Voices members and staff, and donations from the public.  Administered by The Winnipeg Foundation, this award of $1000 is given to a youth in or from care from any community in Manitoba, in recognition and celebration of how far you’ve come, and where you’re headed.

The Marie Christian Award (also known as the Lemonade Award) is a $1000 award is given to youth in or from care who embody leadership qualities including integrity, compassion, kindness, and bold audacity. Additional consideration will be given to youth who exhibit a positive attitude and determination to take sour circumstances and create delicious opportunities.

The Reaching for the Stars Scholarship, valued at $500, will be awarded to one female recipient in or from care in Manitoba who is attending post-secondary education, to help that young woman reach for the stars and obtain her highest aspirations.  The scholarship is sponsored by Chapter H of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Honouring Our Youth Scholarship, valued at $1000, is sponsored by the Child and Youth Care Workers Association of Manitoba (CYCWAM), a non-profit, volunteer association of child and youth care workers in the province of Manitoba.

The Kiwiytin Scholarship, is valued at $2000. This award is given to students in or from care who have a clear sense of their Kiwiytin (their North Star) and are taking steps in the right direction towards achieving their dreams.


Remember to save your copy to your device before filling it in. If you would prefer a paper copy be mailed to you, send us an email at ask@voices.mb.ca.  Application deadline: September 23rd, 2024.

Network Retreat for Youth from and in care in Manitoba

Youth in and from care, ages 14 to 24, are invited to join VOICES for a weekend of learning, sharing, and making friends.  At the Retreat, you will learn more about yourself, your connections to community, and ways to use your experiences to be empowered. You can also climb things, jump off things, swim, go for walks by the lake, and play weird games.

The theme for this retreat is “Living Expert. Sacred Story.” We are the expert of our own lives, and we hold within us our sacred stories. We can choose to share our stories to help us heal, and to help inform and educate others. During the retreat, you will learn and practice the art of sharing your stories in safe ways.

The BOLD Show: Based on the success of VOICES’s talent show last fall, participants are once again invited to share their gifts and talents and reveal their identity at the BOLD Show on Saturday night. Sing, dance, yodel, recite your poetry, show us your art, twist your legs into a pretzel, throw webs from your wrists.

The Fall 2024 retreat will be held October 11th to 13th, 2024.  Download and save your registration package to your device before filling it out.  Once complete, return by email to ask@voices.mb.ca or drop off at 3rd floor, 61 Juno Street (BGC Winnipeg head office) by Monday, September 23rd, 2024.



ICCRP Research Opportunity for Individuals with Lived Experience in Care

You have been invited to participate in a research study being run by the International and Canadian Child Rights Partnership (ICCRP) if you have lived experience in the child welfare system. The study aims to explore intergenerational relationships, lived experiences of former children and youth who aged out of the Ontario child welfare system, and child welfare policy and practices.

The research question is: “How Do Intergenerational Relationships among People with Lived Experiences in the Ontario Child Welfare System Influence Child Welfare Policies and Practices?”

ICCRP is seeking 50 participants; to participate, you need to be:
● a resident of Canada;
● have lived experiences in the Child Welfare System of Ontario; and
● part of one of these age cohorts
○ 18-29 years of age
○ 30-39 years of age
○ 40-49 years of age
○ 50-59 years of age
○ 60+ years of age.

Participants are still eligible to participate in the research study if they are 18 years or older; and/or if they are still receiving financial support from child protection agencies.

If you do not meet these requirements, but you know someone who may meet these criteria and interested in taking part in this study, please forward this invitation to any potentially interested individual(s).

If you meet these requirements, we invite you to participate in a semi-structured virtual interview that will be no more than 60 minutes long. Your participation will involve:

o communicating with me and other research assistant via email about your availability for the interview;
o disclosing personal information to demonstrate your eligibility (e.g. your age, if you are a resident of Canada or not, lived experience in the Child Welfare system of Ontario); and
o attend a one-hour virtual (audio)/phone interview with me and another research team member and answer the study questions.

If you are interested in volunteering in this study, you will receive another email at least two weeks before the interview date with information about the ICCRP in it, and a consent form that includes brief information about the research study. You will have time to let us know if you have any questions. If you agree to participate by signing and returning the consent form, we will forward the interview questions along with a list of mental health and emotional support resources.

Your participation is completely voluntary. No financial compensation will be provided, but will provide an opportunity to engage in other ICCRP activities if you consent us to contact you in future. Please know that there is no requirement to participate in this study. You may know our lead co-investigator or other research team members due to their extensive experiences in the child welfare system in Ontario. If you choose not to
participate, it will not impact your relationship with either of the primary investigators, Jane Kovarikova or Tara Collins, or other research assistant, or Toronto Metropolitan University.

If you participate, your identity will not be shared with others outside of the research team. You have the right to withdraw voluntarily from participation or parts of participation at any time without providing any reasons.

The research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence (ORF-RE) and has been reviewed and approved by the Toronto Metropolitan University Research Ethics Board Reference ID 2023-057.

If you are interested in more information about the study or would like to volunteer, please email Jessielynncross@torontomu.ca or you can choose to contact Tara Collins by email tara.collins@torontomu.ca or call 416-979-5000, ext. 554563.

Support to Action Webinars: Free and Online

Employment Ontario is offering free online webinars geared towards educational liaisons, case workers, independence workers, child and youth workers, child welfare system staff who support youth, foster parents, adoptive parents, youth in transition workers and community partners who support at risk youth.

You will learn

  • What is the Trades Ready Youth Program by Child welfare PAC
  • What is a trade and what is an apprenticeship
  • What it means to be “Trades Ready”
  • What are the five things that a youth can do to be a trades ready youth?

Presenter experience includes:

  • Retired Director of Service, Child and Family Services
  • Apprenticeship Youth Advisor
  • Education Specialist in Apprenticeship Pathways

Date and Time:

  • September 17 at 3:00 – 4:15 pm
  • September 18 at 7:00 – 8:15 pm

45 minute presentation & 30 min question and answer session.

Register now at Support to Action Webinars | Trades Ready Youth (childwelfarepac.com)

Recruiting Former Youth in Care for Research Study on Career Development Experiences – Second Call for Participants

Researchers at the University of Calgary are conducting a study on the career experiences of young adults who aged-out of foster care, kinship care, or community-based care in Canada. The study is called ‘What Helps and Hinders in the Pursuit of Career Success?’.

To be eligible to participate in this study, you need to:
• Be at least 18 years-old
• Have previously spent at least two years in foster care, kinship care, or community-based care in Canada
• Have aged-out of care in Canada
• Self-identify as doing well in your career development

If you are interested in participating, then you will be asked to:
• Complete a short demographic questionnaire.
• Participate in an interview where you will be asked to share your career development experiences; Interviews will be conducted 1-on-1 virtually or in-person.

To express gratitude for contributing to this research you will be provided with an e-gift card.

If you have any questions or if you would like to participate in this study, please contact Ashlee Kitchenham at ashlee.kitchenham@ucalgary.ca

The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has approved this study [REB23-1099].

Free Legal Aid Drop-In Clinic for youth in Vancouver

The Child and Youth Legal Centre in Vancouver offers a Free Drop-In Clinic for young people under 19, providing one-on-one meetings with child and youth legal advocates who offer free legal information.

The Drop-In Clinic is every Wednesday from 1PM-4PM. Appointments are available both in-person at our office and via Zoom. The address is #102 – 1678 W. Broadway (near Broadway and Grandville).

For in-person appointments, you can either just drop in, or you can schedule a time by calling (778) 657 5544 or emailing cylc@scyofbc.org. For Zoom appointments, please contact our office to pre-book or call on the day during drop-in hours. Our advocates are here to help you confidentially navigate legal issues with understanding and support. 

Clark Bursary Award Program

OACAS is pleased to announce the reopening of the Clark Bursary Award and new eligibility criteria for 2024 applications. OACAS administers the Clark Bursary Award Program on behalf of the Ron and Nancy Clark Foundation.

Award applications will be accepted from July 15 until August 31. Applicants may be eligible to receive a $2,000 Clark Bursary Award, paid in one lump sum. 

All award decisions will be made on a first come first served basis for those youth who meet the eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants must:

  • Be 30 years of age or under at the time of application.
  • Be/have been in the care of an Ontario children’s aid society or an Indigenous Child and Family Well-Being Agency.
  • Be in, entering, or graduating from a post-secondary educational activity (trade, apprenticeship, or university or college program) OR
  • Be 18+ and completing secondary school credits through an adult learning centre or credit completion program.
  • Provide proof of educational activity (class schedule, transcript, graduation diploma, certificate, invoice, or other proof of an expense related to education, training, or certification). The activity must be current, planned for the next semester, or within the 12 months before submission.

Click here to register and apply. See here for more details.

If you have any question regarding the Clark Bursary Awards program, contact awards@oacas.org.

Please know that your information is collected and used for the sole purpose of administering the Clark Bursary program. If you’d like to withdraw your consent at any time or discuss how it is being used, contact awards@oacas.org.

Additional Financial Support

Skilled trades training for individuals from care

Are you over the age of 18 and have lived in systems of care for at least one year? Discover your passion for Ontario’s skilled trades with a free 2-day training.

Time, Date and Venue:

August 13 & 14, 2024
8am – 4pm
Millwrights Local 1916
63 Ditton Drive, Hamilton, ON

Coffee, light snacks, and lunch provided. Hard hat and work boots included.

Register now at: childwelfarepac.com/register

Youth in Care Tuition Bursary at Seneca College

On May 14, 2021, Seneca launched a tuition bursary that will pay tuition for current or former youth in extended society care who are pursuing their first postsecondary credential. In addition to financial support, interested youth can be matched with a Seneca staff member who will support them throughout their program and assist them in accessing resources such as mentoring, tutoring and academic advising.


There is no age cap for this bursary. The applicant must be a current or former youth in extended society care (Crown ward) or Customary Care (including Voluntary Youth Service Agreements), not adopted, who has been in the care of an Ontario Children’s Aid Society for a minimum of 12 months (consecutive or cumulative) as defined by the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) of Ontario. The applicant must also demonstrate financial need and must be applying for their first postsecondary credential.

Bursary Value

This bursary is valued at the total amount of tuition fees for any Seneca diploma, degree or certificate program. The bursary will be renewed each academic year until graduation, provided the recipient has fulfilled all program requirements (i.e. maintained a full-time course load, met the minimum grade requirements, etc.) and continues to demonstrate financial need.

What is a youth in extended society care?

A youth in extended society care (also referred to as a foster child or a Crown ward) is a youth who is placed in the care and custody of the Children’s Aid Society when it has been determined that they can no longer live with their birth parents, and that a better and less restrictive option (such as placing the child with relatives) is not available. The province accepts all rights and responsibilities for the youth until they turn 18, get married or are adopted.

When is the deadline for current or prospective students to apply for this bursary?

  • Sept. 20, 2024 for the Fall 2024 Term
  • Jan. 17, 2025 for the Winter 2025 Term

The criteria to apply are as follows:

  • must be a current or former youth in extended society care (Crown ward) or Customary Care (including Voluntary Youth Service Agreements), not adopted, who has been in care for a minimum of 12 months in the Ontario care system
  • must apply to Seneca through the Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) and receive an offer of admission before applying for the bursary (prospective students may contact Recruitment by email at YouthinCare@senecapolytechnic.ca to discuss program options)
  • must be pursuing first postsecondary credential
  • must be applying for full-time studies (at least 66 per cent course load) in a day program
  • must submit an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) application every academic year
  • must demonstrate financial need
  • must apply for the bursary prior to the start of studies (current students are welcome to apply for the upcoming semester)

Current Seneca students application can email YouthinCare@senecapolytechnic.ca to indicate your intent to apply for the bursary, and Judy Pattison, Student Recruitment Liaison Officer, will help you through the process.

Prospective students who are interested in the bursary must first apply to Seneca through OCAS and be accepted to a program before applying for the bursary (students may contact Recruitment by email at YouthinCare@senecapolytechnic.ca to discuss program options).

For more information, please check out: Youth in Care Tuition Bursary | Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries | Seneca Students (senecapolytechnic.ca).

Join OECT for the National Bank Open, Roger’s Cup Tennis Tournament!

Ontario Education Championship Team (OECT) is going to the National Bank Open, Roger’s Cup Tennis Tournament!

🎾 Join us for a day of fun, enjoy the tennis game and learn about the sports industry🎾

*Must be ages 14- 29, residing in Peel/Halton/Dufferin region.

*Food and refreshments are provided 🥤

* Games and prizes to be won!! 🎁

*Presto or volunteer drives are available (drives are a last resort, please discuss transportation options with your family/caregiver/worker/CAS staff prior to reaching out for volunteer drives as capacity is limited! TY)

*Volunteer opportunities available for volunteer hours

🗓 Date: Thu, August 8th, 2024

Time: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

📍 Location: A bus will be leaving from the Peel CAS Trailblazers Youth Centre (25 Capston Dr, Mississauga, ON L5W 0H3) and taking us to Sobeys Stadium in North York: 1 Shoreham Dr, North York, ON M3N 3A6, and back.


This event is hosted by OECT Peel-Halton-Dufferin CAS. Register by Friday, July 19th, 2024.

For any questions or inquiries contact:

Halton CAS: Aos@haltoncas.ca
Peel CAS: MConstantine@peelcas.org

Dufferin CAS: niketa.peters@dcafs.on.ca

OECT Youth Website: https://www.inittogetheryouth.org/