Make a Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada 2025-26 Scholarship Application Today!

Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada post-secondary scholarships award young people $5,000 for each academic year until they finish their program (to a maximum of 7 years from their program start) through a once yearly competitive application for 300 awards. The deadline to apply is Monday, February 3rd, 2025.

If you are starting or continuing in full time studies in the 2025-26 academic year, and aren’t already receiving a CAFC Scholarship ($5,000 a year)*, apply here for the Children’s Aid Foundation of Canada Scholarship today!

Visit our website for the link to the online application form, full eligibility information and answers to the most asked questions, or contact the Foundation’s PSE team at

Scholarship applications are open to youth with both financial need and the potential to succeed in their program of study. To be eligible, a student must be:

  • Be attending a post-secondary institution full-time or on a reduced schedule due to an academic accommodation, for a full school year starting in September 2025 or January 2026
  • Have been or will be in the temporary or permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services up until your age of majority birthday or had been in permanent care of the Ministry or Department responsible for child protection services for at least 12 months
  • Are under the age of 30 if you have or are currently receiving Foundation supports, or,
  • Are over the age of 30 and currently receiving a Foundation bursary ($2000) or have not received a CAFC Scholarship or Bursary before
  • Not currently receiving a CAFC Scholarship*

*Current 2024-25 CAFC Scholarship recipients do not need to make a new scholarship application.

If you aren’t sure if you are currently receiving a CAFC Scholarship or bursary or have any questions about the application form, process, or eligibility, we can help!

Email with your questions and visit our website for more information and the application link.

Voices Scholarship Program 2024 – 2025

The Voices Scholarship Program consists of five awards: The Voices Bursary, the Marie Christian Award, the Reaching for the Stars Scholarship, the Honouring Our Youth Scholarship, and the Kiwiytin Scholarship:

The Voices Bursary is made possible through the fundraising efforts of Voices members and staff, and donations from the public.  Administered by The Winnipeg Foundation, this award of $1000 is given to a youth in or from care from any community in Manitoba, in recognition and celebration of how far you’ve come, and where you’re headed.

The Marie Christian Award (also known as the Lemonade Award) is a $1000 award is given to youth in or from care who embody leadership qualities including integrity, compassion, kindness, and bold audacity. Additional consideration will be given to youth who exhibit a positive attitude and determination to take sour circumstances and create delicious opportunities.

The Reaching for the Stars Scholarship, valued at $500, will be awarded to one female recipient in or from care in Manitoba who is attending post-secondary education, to help that young woman reach for the stars and obtain her highest aspirations.  The scholarship is sponsored by Chapter H of the Philanthropic Educational Organization (P.E.O.) of Winnipeg, Manitoba.

The Honouring Our Youth Scholarship, valued at $1000, is sponsored by the Child and Youth Care Workers Association of Manitoba (CYCWAM), a non-profit, volunteer association of child and youth care workers in the province of Manitoba.

The Kiwiytin Scholarship, is valued at $2000. This award is given to students in or from care who have a clear sense of their Kiwiytin (their North Star) and are taking steps in the right direction towards achieving their dreams.

Remember to save your copy to your device before filling it in. If you would prefer a paper copy be mailed to you, send us an email at  Application deadline: September 23rd, 2024.

B.C. Provincial Tuition Waiver Program Promotional Materials

As part of StudentAid BC’s expansion of the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program (PTWP) for former B.C. youth in care in 2023, they have shared a set of promotional materials to help increase awareness and access to the program.

The following promotional materials are now available:

✔️  8.5×11 inch poster for your office poster boards
✔️  Graphic for sharing on your social media channels
✔️  Digital sign for digital displays
✔️  YouTube video highlighting StudentAid BC programs for Former Youth in Care
✔️  Rack card to share with former children and youth in care you are connected with (sample below)

The poster, social media graphic and digital sign can be downloaded via the links above and are available on the Forms Library on the StudentAid BC website.

High quality versions of the poster and rack card are both available for order (free of charge). Complete this order form and submit by March 8, 2024, and the requested materials will be mailed to the addressee in Spring 2024.

Feel free to share this email and links with your networks to help former B.C. children and youth in care learn about and access the Provincial Tuition Waiver Program.

If you have any questions related to the above information, please contact